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Vicksburg District provides updated forecast for region - Feb. 13

Published Feb. 14, 2020

The National Weather Service has forecasted one-to-two inches of rain across most of the Lower Mississippi River Valley over the next seven days. Over past 24 hours, parts of the Yazoo and Pearl River basins have received two-to-three inches of rain.

The Mississippi River is expected to crest at Arkansas City, Arkansas, at 39.5 feet Feb. 25; Greenville, Mississippi, at 50.5 feet Feb. 26; Vicksburg, Mississippi, at 46.5 feet Feb. 28; and Natchez, Mississippi, at 54 feet Feb. 29. These projections are based on two days of forecasted rainfall and will changed based on future rainfall.

Based on current forecasts, the Yazoo Backwater is expected to reach 93-94 feet by late February. The gates of the Steele Bayou Control Structure, located approximately 10 miles north of Vicksburg, are expected to remain open for the near future, and a gate closure date will be strictly determined on future rainfall. However, this prediction may change based on future rainfall.

Because of increased rainfall, the flood control structures at Sardis, Enid and Grenada lakes in north Mississippi were closed Feb. 10. These Yazoo Basin reservoirs have 40-75% flood capacity available and are expected to have 30-50% capacity remaining after each reservoir peaks. The reservoirs are not expected to reach spillway based on current forecasted rainfall. 

The National Weather Service forecasted that the Pearl River at Jackson, Mississippi, will crest at 38 feet Feb. 16. That crest will be the third-highest flood event on record. This crest is based on two days of forecasted rainfall and may change based on future rainfall.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Vicksburg District engineers and technical experts continue to monitor water levels and flood control works across the region; work with our local, state and federal partners; and provide updates as they become available.

Jessica Dulaney

Jessica Dulaney

Release no. 20-015