River Stabilization Section

Responsible for the Mississippi River Channel Improvement Master Plans.

Recommends needed stabilization on the lower 36 miles of the Arkansas River. Studies and develops methods of stabilizing the Red River and other streams in the Vicksburg District.

Furnishes technical assistance in planning and design of harbor and port development projects.

Request right-of-way, cultural resource surveys, environmental and navigation permits, and soils stability analysis for channel improvement work on the Mississippi River and the Red River.

Coordinates all phases of Mississippi River Channel Improvement Project in the Vicksburg District.

Coordinates planning, design, and construction phases of bank stabilization and realignment portions of the Red River Waterway Project.

Prepares budget data, preliminary and current year programs, justification data, and performance reports for Mississippi River Channel Improvement Project.

Prepares contract plans and specifications for Mississippi River Channel Improvement work.

Prepares hired labor specifications for bank stabilization work and construction dredging on the Mississippi River.

Assembles and examines data for plan maps and other maps and drawings needed for special studies.

Determines need for, request, and coordinates surveys to be accomplished by other organizational elements of the District.

Make annual inspections and evaluations of bank stabilization and channel improvement works on the Mississippi River. Reports on damage to or failure of and maintains records of revetments and dike failures.

Performs field inspections as necessary to coordinate construction with Design Branch.

Complies, drafts, and issues annual Channel Improvement Data Reports for the Mississippi River.

Contact E & C

USACE Vicksburg District
4155 Clay St
Vicksburg, MS 39180
