UPDATE: Interim Repairs continue at Arkabutla Dam
Published June 24, 2024
Vicksburg, Miss – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Vicksburg District (USACE-MVK) continues to advance interim risk reduction measures (IRRM) at Arkabutla Dam in Northwest Mississippi. Contractor Frontier Services, Inc., began construction and equipment mobilization in early May.
Currently, drill pads are being installed for piezometers, automated instruments used for monitoring groundwater pressure. Relief wells, which act like valves to relieve the water pressure, allow excess water to be diverted safely, and serve to prevent sand boils, are scheduled to follow. The additional piezometers increase the USACE-MVK’s monitoring ability by sending data hourly to the technical team, allowing them to analyze conditions in real time.
Safety remains a top priority to the USACE Vicksburg District. Lake Staff and additional personnel are vigilantly monitoring the situation at Arkabutla Dam for any changes.
Highway 51 Landing provides boating access into the Coldwater River above Arkabutla Dam and will remain the only open boat ramp at Arkabutla Lake. Camping and other recreational use of Arkabutla Lake area remain open, except for day use and fee use areas directly downstream of the dam.
The USACE Vicksburg District is engineering solutions to the nation’s toughest challenges. The Vicksburg District encompasses a 68,000-square-mile area across portions of Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana, that holds nine major river basins and incorporates approximately 460 miles of mainline Mississippi River levees. The Vicksburg District is engaged in hundreds of projects and employs approximately 1,100 personnel.
UPDATE: Notice to Proceed issued on Interim Repairs at Arkabutla Dam
Published March 13, 2024
Vicksburg, Miss – Interim risk reduction measures continue at Arkabutla Dam, located in DeSoto and Tate Counties in Northwest Mississippi. On February 27, a contract was awarded to Frontier Services, Inc. for the installation of six relief wells with lateral discharges, installation of additional piezometers (groundwater monitoring devices), and automation of the monitoring system at the dam.
The notice to proceed was issued on March 3, 2024 and on-site work is expected to begin in late April or early May once construction materials are procured. It is anticipated that work will be completed in the fall of 2024. The work is in response to the potential breach emergency status issued in May 2023 because of observed signs of distress at the dam.
Currently, the target lake level is below 210’ and the district is proactively working to keep the level at approximately 204’ to provide leeway in the pool level during the wet season. Because lake levels fluctuate quickly, the potential breach emergency WATCH status at Arkabutla Dam will continue throughout the rainy season.
Engineers and a design team are working on a permanent long-term fix for the dam that will likely take 7-9 years to complete.
Camping and other recreational use of Arkabutla Lake area remain open, with the exception of day use and fee use areas directly downstream of the dam. All boat ramps remain closed; however, visitors can launch small boats from the gravel landing at the Coldwater River.
Safety remains a top priority of the US Army Corps of Engineers Vicksburg District. Lake Staff and additional personnel are vigilantly monitoring the situation at Arkabutla Dam for any changes.
Please visit this site to get regularly updated reservoir pool levels:
The USACE Vicksburg District is engineering solutions to the nation’s toughest challenges. The Vicksburg District encompasses a 68,000-square-mile area across portions of Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana, that holds nine major river basins and incorporates approximately 460 miles of mainline Mississippi River levees. The Vicksburg District is engaged in hundreds of projects and employs approximately 1,100 personnel.
Christi Kilroy
Release no. 24-010
Potential Breach Emergency Status increased to **WATCH** at Arkabutla Dam
January 28, 2024
Vicksburg, Miss – Earlier today, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) issued a potential dam breach WATCH for Arkabutla Dam located in DeSoto and Tate Counties in Northwest Mississippi. The physical condition of the dam is unchanged, and a dam breach is NOT imminent.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Vicksburg District has increased the potential breach emergency status at Arkabutla Dam from ALERT to WATCH because of increasing reservoir levels due to the recent weeklong precipitation and snow/ice melt in the Arkabutla Lake drainage basin.
This potential breach is associated with observed signs of distress discovered in May 2023. Interim risk reduction measures are underway; however, are not yet complete. Emergency repairs are expected to be completed this summer. Operational releases associated with lowering the lake are not expected to induce downstream flooding.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Vicksburg District is coordinating with the National Weather Service and the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency to maximize public awareness in affected areas.
As always, safety remains a top priority to the US Army Corps of Engineers Vicksburg District. Crews are on the ground to monitor the situation at Arkabutla Dam for any changes.
Current conditions at Arkabutla Dam include:
• Reservoir Pool Elevation 213.6 feet elevation
• Spillway Crest Elevation 238 feet elevation
• Spillway Status Not Activated
• Pool Restriction 204 feet elevation
• Current releases 2,000 cubic feet per second (cfs)
Individuals should direct questions to their county emergency management agency.
The USACE Vicksburg District is engineering solutions to the nation’s toughest challenges. The Vicksburg District encompasses a 68,000-square-mile area across portions of Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana, that holds nine major river basins and incorporates approximately 460 miles of mainline Mississippi River levees. The Vicksburg District is engaged in hundreds of projects and employs approximately 1,100 personnel.
Arkabutla Lake kayak launch
If you've ever spent time in a kayak you know that they can be unsteady when you board them to launch. Also, kayakers often get their feet wet and muddy when launching and then transfer the water and mud to the inside of the kayak. Our kayak launch, located on the boat dock at Dub Patton Recreation Area provides kayakers a steadier, drier launch site. It also allows kayakers to keep their feet dry and free from mud. Because it is made from plastic, it also helps to protect the bottom of the kayak that can be damaged by launching from concrete boat ramps or rocky shorelines. Click on the link below to see a demonstration of how the kayak launch works.
EZ Kayak Launch
Hernando Point Mountain BikeTrail 
The partnership between North Mississippi Trail Alliance and the US Army Corps of Engineers at Arkabutla Lake has proven to be mutually beneficial and a great asset to the bike enthusiast. After the completion of the Bayou Point Single Track Mountain Bike Trail, the NMTA began mapping and designing a large trail system to be located between Hernando Point Recreation Area on the west and Highway 51 on the east. The trail was designed and will be implemented in three stages; a 2.2 mile novice loop, an 8 mile intermediate loop, and a 16 mile advanced loop. The 2.2 mile novice loop, named The Backwater Loop, has been completed and is open for use. The intermediate loop, known as the Possum Kingdom trail, is currently under construction. It begins at the northeast corner of the Backwater trail and goes east towards Tulane road. Phase 3 of the project will extend the trail even further east near Highway 51 Landing Recreation Area. The terrain and elevation of this section of the trail will be suitable for advanced biking. There is a map attachment of the entire proposed trail below, as well as pictures of the trail construction. Once completed, the trail system will span approximately 26 miles in length! The Hernando Point trail system is located on USACE land bordered by private property. In certain locations the trail system is located on or in close proximity to the USACE boundary. The USACE boundary is marked by yellow paint on trees and fence posts. Please remain on the trail at all times and respect adjacent landowner’s privacy
For more information on the current bike trails, to join or volunteer with NMTA, and to get the latest updates, visit their website at nomissta.org. Also, to report misuse of trails or additional information on Arkabutla Lake and other recreational opportunities available, please call the Arkabutla Lake Field Office at (662) 562-6261
Hernando Point Single-Track Mountain Bike Course Map
All persons placing structure(s) in Sardis, Arkabutla, Grenada, and Enid lakes must abide by the terms outlined in the following regulations according to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) Title 36.
The placement of untreated, wooden structures in the lake basin for the purpose of fish habitat is authorized. Artificial wooden "grabbling structures" are also authorized. Natural structures may not be altered and used to "hand fish" from. Other structures made of plastic, PVC, metal, and other non-biodegradable materials are NOT allowed. Any person(s) installing a structure not in compliance with this regulation may be subject to a citation under Title 36.
The placement of trees are allowed along with an appropriately sized anchoring device which may be made of concrete, brick, or stone. Any anchor(s) other than these approved materials will be in violation and subject to fines and penalties.
Structures may not be placed within 300 feet of any designated swimming area or beach. These structures should not be placed in any areas where they may become boating hazards such as directly below or adjacent to any boat ramp.
Cultural Resource Protection – Visitors are reminded that the removal of historical and archaeological features (material from old house sites, arrowheads, human remains, etc.) is prohibited.
If caught, looters face arrest, fines of up to $20,000 and imprisonment for disturbing these safeguarded areas.
Day Use Fees
Beach Fees: $2/walk-in, $5/vehicle, $20/bus and no fees for children under 16 y/o
Boat Ramps: $5/vehicle
Special Use/Facility Fees
Pavilions: $75/reservation
Special Events: $75/event
Class A – Dub Patton, Hernando Pt. & South Abutment Campgrounds: $24/night/year round/not to exceed 14 days
Class C – Outlet Channel: $10/night (1 May-30 Sep) Free (1 Oct-30 Mar) 14 days only – no extensions, year round
Class D – Kelly’s Crossing & Pleasant Hill Campgrounds: Free 14 days only – no extensions, year round
*Interagency Annual/Senior/Access/Volunteer/Military Passes and Golden Age/Access Passports are valid for covering standard amenity recreation fees for all USACE areas and recreational area of other Federal agencies participating in the America the Beautiful National Parks and the Federal Recreational Lands Pass Program. Interagency Senior/Access and Golden Age/Access Passports are also valid for a 50 percent reduction in single/family unit camping fees but are not valid for Pavilion Rentals and Special Event Permits.
Passes: USACE Annual Pass: $40 yearly
Interagency Annual Pass: $80 yearly
Interagency Lifetime Senior Pass: $80 lifetime
Interagency Annual Senior Pass: $20 yearly
Interagency Access Pass: Free lifetime
Interagency Military Pass: Free yearly
Interagency Volunteer Pass: Free yearly
Interagency Every Kid in the Park Pass Free 1 Sep-31 Aug, year of issue
*Purchase of the Annual Senior Pass can be applied towards the cost of the Lifetime Senior Pass
Life Jackets are Mandatory at MS Lake
The following life jacket rules are being enforced at all four of the Vicksburg District-North Mississippi lakes at Arkabutla, Sardis, Enid and Grenada.
All persons must wear a US Coast Guard-approved life jacket at all times:
- while swimming outside of designated swimming areas.
- while skiing or being pulled by a vessel, regardless of vessel length.
- on powered vessels 16 to 26 feet in length whenever under power by the main propulsion unit.
- on powered vessels less than 16 feet in length or on non-powered vessels regardless of length.
For more information, contact the Arkabutla Lake Field Office at 662.562.6261
or the MS Project Management Office at 662.578.3873
or 662.712.1201
Arkabutla Lake – Emergency Contacts After Hours
With over 40,000 acres of land and water to manage at Arkabutla Lake and a limited number of Ranger personnel available to offer visitor assistance, sometimes it may be difficult to locate a Ranger, especially after our regular office hours (Mon-Fri, 7:00am-3:30pm) when our telephones are unmanned.
If you are having an emergency after office hours or on the weekend and you need assistance, sometimes the best approach is to contact the local Sheriff’s Department. Arkabutla Lake occupies two Mississippi counties in northwest corner of the state, Tate and Dsto. These local law enforcement agencies have a 24-hour dispatcher that can communicate with field personnel at Arkabutla Lake as well as Search and Rescue Units, Aviation Units, Emergency Medical Response and much more. Their contact numbers are:
Desoto County – 662-429-1470
Tate County – 662-562-4434
Your Safety - Our Concern
Arkabutla Lake – Policy
Duck Blind Policy – Effective since March 2009, duck blind permits are no longer being issued. Only temporary/portable blinds for waterfowl hunting are permitted. All blinds and associated applications (decoys, camouflage, etc.) must be removed from project lands on a daily basis and may not remain on the project overnight. Blinds that use nails, screws, or spikes to attach to trees are strictly prohibited. Placement of duck blinds shall not be used as a means of reserving a favorite hunting location. This policy has been instituted to provide an equal opportunity to all project users and to also provide a safer environment for the visiting public.
Deer Stand Policy – Effective since March 2009, Arkabutla Lake no longer allows deer stands to be left overnight on Government Property. Past practices associated with the Deer Stand Policy led many users to the mistaken conclusion that a given area of public property was reserved by the deer stand owners. This was never the intent of the deer stand policy. This updated policy was instituted to provide an equal opportunity to all project users and to also provide a safer environment for the visiting public. Portable hunting stands, climbing devices, steps, or blinds that are not nailed or screwed into trees may be used. These portable hunting stands, climbing devices, steps, or blinds must be occupied at all times. Fixed tower stands and shooting houses are prohibited. Stands or structures that are found violation of this policy shall be considered an unauthorized structure and will be subject to summary removal or impoundment by project personnel. Questions and Comments may be directed to Arkabutla Lake Field Office at the following email address: arkabutla.lake@usace.army.mil.