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Vicksburg District Leadership



-- Commander --

District Engineer

Col. Jeremiah A. Gipson


--  Deputy Commander --

Lt. Col. Russell (Rocky) Streif



 -- Deputy District Engineer --

Chief, Programs Project Management

Pat Hemphill


Commanders (1985 to Present)

Collapse All Expand All
Expand List item 36042Collapse List item 36042  2024 to Present, Col. Jeremiah A. Gipson

Expand List item 30255Collapse List item 30255  2022 to 2024, Col. Christopher D. Klein

Expand List item 22971Collapse List item 22971  2019 to 2022, Col. Robert A. Hilliard


Expand List item 17503Collapse List item 17503  2016 to 2019, Col. Michael C. Derosier


Expand List item 17502Collapse List item 17502  2013 to 2016, Col. John W. Cross


Expand List item 17500Collapse List item 17500  2009 to 2013, Col. Jeffrey R. Eckstein


Expand List item 17499Collapse List item 17499  2007 to 2009, BG. Michael C. Wehr


Expand List item 17498Collapse List item 17498  2004 to 2007, Col. Anthony C. Vesay


Expand List item 17497Collapse List item 17497  2001 to 2004, Col. Frederick L. Clapp, Jr.


Expand List item 17496Collapse List item 17496  1998 to 2001, BG. Robert Crear


Expand List item 17495Collapse List item 17495  1995 to 1998, Col. Gary W. Wright


Expand List item 17494Collapse List item 17494  1993 to 1995, Col. Stanley G. Phernambucq


Expand List item 17493Collapse List item 17493  1990 to 1993, Col. Stephenson W. Page


Expand List item 17492Collapse List item 17492  1988 to 1990, Col. Francis R. Skidmore


Expand List item 17491Collapse List item 17491  1985 to 1988, Col. Pat M. Stevens IV


Commanders (1884 to 1937)

Collapse All Expand All
Expand List item 6510Collapse List item 6510  1884 to 1886, Capt. Eric Bergland
Expand List item 6509Collapse List item 6509  1886 to 1899, Maj. Joseph H. Willard
Expand List item 6508Collapse List item 6508  1899 to 1901, Maj. Thomas L. Casey
Expand List item 6507Collapse List item 6507  1901 to 1903, Capt. Charles L. Potter
Expand List item 6506Collapse List item 6506  1903 to 1904, Capt. Charles S. Bromwell
Expand List item 6504Collapse List item 6504  1904 to 1904, Capt. James F. McIndoe
Expand List item 6505Collapse List item 6505  1904 to 1904, Lt. Col. H. M. Adams
Expand List item 6502Collapse List item 6502  1904 to 1907, Capt. George M. Hoffman
Expand List item 6501Collapse List item 6501  1907 to 1911, Capt. Clarke S. Smith
Expand List item 6500Collapse List item 6500  1911 to 1913, Capt. James A. Woodruff
Expand List item 6499Collapse List item 6499  1913 to 1914, Mr. Ernest Graves
Expand List item 6498Collapse List item 6498  1914 to 1917, Maj. John R. Slattery
Expand List item 6497Collapse List item 6497  1917 to 1917, Lt. Col. George P. Howell
Expand List item 6496Collapse List item 6496  1917 to 1919, Mr. Alexander M. Todd
Expand List item 6495Collapse List item 6495  1917 to 1919, Mr. Thomas C. Thomas
Expand List item 6493Collapse List item 6493  1919 to 1920, Capt. John W. Stewart
Expand List item 6494Collapse List item 6494  1919 to 1920, Col. Curtis W. Otwell
Expand List item 6490Collapse List item 6490  1920 to 1920, Maj. R. P. Howell
Expand List item 6492Collapse List item 6492  1920 to 1922, Maj. James A. O'Connor
Expand List item 6489Collapse List item 6489  1926 to 1931, Lt. Col John C. H. Lee
Expand List item 6488Collapse List item 6488  1931 to 1933, Maj. Thomas B. Larkin
Expand List item 6487Collapse List item 6487  1933 to 1933, Maj. Clark Kittrell
Expand List item 6486Collapse List item 6486  1933 to 1937, Lt. Col. Lunsford E. Oliver

Commanders (1940 to 1985)

Collapse All Expand All
Expand List item 6473Collapse List item 6473  1937 to 1940, Lt. Col. Raymond G. Moses
Expand List item 6469Collapse List item 6469  1940 to 1942, Col. Samuel D. Sturgis, Jr.
Expand List item 6468Collapse List item 6468  1942 to 1946, Lt. Col. Raymond W. Sauer
Expand List item 6467Collapse List item 6467  1946 to 1949, Col. Robert G. Lovett
Expand List item 6464Collapse List item 6464  1949 to 1950, Col. Benjamin C. Fowlkes
Expand List item 6462Collapse List item 6462  1950 to 1953, Lt. Col. George F. Dixon, Jr.
Expand List item 6461Collapse List item 6461  1953 to 1956, Col. Thomas B. Simpson
Expand List item 6458Collapse List item 6458  1956 to 1959, Col. Milton P. Barschdorf
Expand List item 6457Collapse List item 6457  1959 to 1961, Col. James E. Walsh
Expand List item 6456Collapse List item 6456  1961 to 1963, Col. Warren S. Everett
Expand List item 6455Collapse List item 6455  1963 to 1966, Col. James A. Betts
Expand List item 6454Collapse List item 6454  1966 to 1968, Col. Felix R. Garret
Expand List item 6453Collapse List item 6453  1968 to 1971, Col. John W. Brennan
Expand List item 6452Collapse List item 6452  1971 to 1974, Col. Marvin W. Rees
Expand List item 6451Collapse List item 6451  1974 to 1977, Col. Gerald E. Galloway
Expand List item 6450Collapse List item 6450  1977 to 1979, Col. John H. Moellering
Expand List item 6449Collapse List item 6449  1979 to 1982, Col. Samuel P. Collins, Jr.
Expand List item 6448Collapse List item 6448  1982 to 1985, Col. Dennis J. York