The mission of the Investigation and Inspection Section is to ensure the structural integrity and operational adequacy of the structures assigned to the Inspection and Evaluation Program and approximately 1900 miles of levees within the Vicksburg District. Inspection is completed through visual observations and evaluation of engineering (instrumentation) data collected at the structures. Instrumentation or measuring devices involved include piezometers, inclinometers, tilt meters, settlement markers (for vertical and horizontal movement), and consolidation devices, etc.
Structures in our programs include dams (earthen and concrete), closure dams (earthen and concrete), dikes, levees, spillways (earthen and concrete), locks, control structures, and drainage structures. Procedures have been developed for visual inspection of all structures at least annually and during and/or after unusual events such as earthquakes and extreme high water events. In addition to annual inspections a team of experienced engineers and technical specialists inspect each project every 5 years (periodic inspection) and a formal inspection report is prepared presenting the observations noted and a discussion of corrective actions that are required to ensure the structural integrity and continued operational adequacy of the structures. All engineering data that had been collect since the last periodic inspection is presented in the report.
Permits and construction drawings and specification involving work at our assigned projects are reviewed to ensure that all dam and levee safety issues are not adversely affected.