Geodata Section

The MVK Geodata Section is composed of two parts: The Drill Crew, and the Soils Laboratory.  While these parts are separate, they function as a unit to provide accurate and reliable data to geotechnical designers for any number of critical infrastructure improvements.

 The MVK Geodata Section Drill Crew’s primary mission is to collect field data and samples that give a clear picture of subsurface conditions at project sites throughout the nation.  In addition, they lend their expertise to other critical efforts such as relief well rehabilitation, piezometers installation, and when called upon, to aid in essential emergency efforts. 

 MVK’s Geodata field crew is also separated into two distinct, but interchangeable teams.  The drill crew performs classic borings by removing and collecting samples for laboratory testing; and the Cone Penetrometer Test (CPT) crew who use cutting edge technology to determine subsurface conditions through data collected by forcing a sensor equipped cone shaped probe through the layers of soil without removing them.  

 The MVK soils laboratory performs material characterization tests on the subsurface samples collected by the field crews.  These tests include Atterberg limits, particle size distribution, insitu water content, optimum moisture content determination, organic content, and strength testing. 

Contact E & C

USACE Vicksburg District
4155 Clay St
Vicksburg, MS 39180
