Nationwide Permits are valid general permits throughout the nation, as long as conditions applicable to the permits are met. A full listing of the available Nationwide Permits (NWPs) and their accompanying special conditions, general conditions, and definitions is available at the bottom of this page. If the special, general or regional conditions cannot be met, then an individual or regional-general permit will be required.
Although some nationwide permits may require no pre-construction notification (PCN), it is prudent to consult with the Vicksburg District for any possible limitations or restrictions. There are nationwide permits that require preconstruction notification to the Corps (see below link to the PCN requirements). These notifications must be in writing and require the Corps' verification before proceeding with the activity. Nationwide permits requiring pre-construction notification to the Corps in the Coastal Zone of Hancock, Harrison, and Jackson Counties in Mississippi (see Mississippi Regional Condition A.1.) shall be completed using the Joint Application Form and submitted directly to the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources. Water quality, impacts to wetlands and other waters, Threatened and Endangered Species, and Cultural Resources must be taken into consideration prior to applying for a Nationwide Permit.