If you have comments and/or questions related to Vicksburg District’s Section 508 program or if you have concerns related to the Section 508 ICT accessibility of any content or the user interface on this website, please send an e-mail to VicksburgDistrict@USACE.Army.mil. Where applicable, please include in your e-mail the web address or URL and the specific accessibility barrier(s) you are encountering..

Our Mission... Design Branch

The Design Branch Office is responsible for general, structural, civil, environmental, mechanical, electrical engineering, and architectural and landscape architectural design. These responsibilities, which are accomplished through in-house resources, other Corps offices, and A-E contracts, include design and preparation of plans and specifications for construction of flood control structures, multiple-purpose dams, appurtenant structures for hydropower facilities, navigation locks and dams, military construction, public use facilities, buildings, and miscellaneous assigned projects.

Responsible for preparing hired labor directives and plans and specifications for construction and maintenance items estimated to cost $10,000 or more.

Section Offices

Contact E & C

USACE Vicksburg District
4155 Clay St
Vicksburg, MS 39180
