If you have comments and/or questions related to Vicksburg District’s Section 508 program or if you have concerns related to the Section 508 ICT accessibility of any content or the user interface on this website, please send an e-mail to VicksburgDistrict@USACE.Army.mil. Where applicable, please include in your e-mail the web address or URL and the specific accessibility barrier(s) you are encountering..

Our Mission... Hydraulics Branch

Engineers and technicians in the branch provide services to states and local governments on how to minimize damage to their infrastructure from flooding.  Maintaining and monitoring a hydrological data collection system and geospatial data system to assist in making water control decisions. They manage the water quality to support a sustainable ecosystem so we can continue to enjoy the region's many natural resources, and with the region's growth and the many demands placed on our hydrological resources, we fully expect conflicts related to water supply.  The branch performs water supply studies to insure the many stakeholders are provided with this critical resource.

Section Offices

Contact E & C

USACE Vicksburg District
4155 Clay St
Vicksburg, MS 39180
