The Equal Employment Opportunity Counseling Program is designed to provide the initial step in considering a complaint of discrimination. Individuals who believe they have been discriminated against because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, physical or mental disability, an or reprisal must consult with one of the EEO Counselors within 45 days after the alleged act of discrimination if they wish to resolve the matter. This is a necessary step in the complaint process for both individual and class complaints.
You may see one of the Counselors or the EEO Manager will appoint one for you. Do not present your problem to more than one, as this would be an unnecessary duplication of effort. The Counselor is free to make whatever inquiry he/she believes necessary to seek a solution on an informal basis, and to counsel an aggrieved person concerning the merits of a matter. If a matter is not resolved to the satisfaction of an aggrieved person, the person may file a formal complaint of discrimination with the EEO Manager.