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District Announces Employee of the Year Award
VICKSBURG, MISS… The Vicksburg District is proud to announce that Kristopher C. Ellis has been selected as the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg District 2018 Employee of the Year. Ellis received the award for his outstanding demonstration of Army and Corps values, leadership and mentorship. In addition, Ellis meets the district's mission with excellence and has an exemplary list of accomplishments. Ellis began his career with the Corps ten years ago as a general equipment mechanic for the river operations maintenance section in Monroe, Louisiana and is now the supervisory facility operations specialist in the maintenance section. As the supervisory facility operations specialist, Ellis supervises and manages nine locks and dams, two water control structures and two field offices. He is also a part of the Mississippi Valley Divisions' priority maintenance team. The team meets twice a year to prioritize the division's maintenance on the Corps locks and dams. He is a native of West Monroe, Louisiana, where he currently resides with his wife Amanda and their two children. The Vicksburg District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers encompasses a 68,000-square-mile area across portions of Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana and is responsible for navigation and operation of the locks and dams along the J. B. J. Waterway, the Ouachita-Black River system and the navigation of the Mississippi River in the District's area.

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