Vicksburg, Miss. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg District, is proud to announce the promotion of Cpt. David M. Kenna to the military rank of Major.
Maj. Kenna was commissioned in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in December 2005, and joined the District in April 2014. He serves as chief of the emergency management branch of Operations Division. His duties include developing plans and directing execution of such plans for natural and national emergency situations within the District’s tri-state area of Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. He also serves as advisor to the Commander on policy applicability, project eligibility, and operational procedures concerning emergency activities.
Prior to joining the District, he served as Company Commander of the Headquarters and Headquarters Company of an Expeditionary Sustainment Command (ESC) with over 340 assigned and attached Soldiers in Fort Lewis, Washington.
Major Kenna’s military awards and decorations include Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, National Defense Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Korea Defense Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon (2), NATO Medal, and Combat Action Badge.
The grade of Major is the first field grade military officer rank above the rank of Captain in the U.S. Army. A Major typically serves as the Battalion Executive Office (XO) or as the Battalion Operations Officer (S3).
A native of San Antonio, Texas, he earned his Bachelor of Science Degree in computer science from the University of Texas at San Antonio. Maj. Kenna is married to Jieun Kenna, and his next assignment is to attend the Command General and Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
The Vicksburg District encompasses a 68,000-square-mile area in the tri-states of Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi, that holds seven major river basins and incorporates approximately 460 miles of mainline levees. The district is engaged in hundreds of projects and supports disaster response in its tri-state area.
Release no. 16-014