If you have comments and/or questions related to Vicksburg District’s Section 508 program or if you have concerns related to the Section 508 ICT accessibility of any content or the user interface on this website, please send an e-mail to VicksburgDistrict@USACE.Army.mil. Where applicable, please include in your e-mail the web address or URL and the specific accessibility barrier(s) you are encountering.

Contact US
4155 Clay Street
Vicksburg, MS 39183
601-631-5000 Press 0

Our Mission... Public Affairs Office

The Public Affairs Office fulfills the Department of the Army’s, Corps of Engineers obligation to keep the American people and the Army informed. We help to establish the conditions that lead to confidence in the Corps and its readiness to conduct operations.

The Public Affairs Office advises the senior leaders on public affairs guidance and strategies to raise awareness of the corps and its functions and responsibilities. We also serve as the voice for the commander and the Vicksburg District and train senior leaders how to proactively interact with the media to present a positive image of the Corps.

The Public Affairs Office researches, prepares and disseminates news releases, articles, web-based material and photographs through civilian and military news media and performs tours and community relations events.

How to get a speaker for your group...

Speaker's Bureau

The Vicksburg District has over 1200 employees in three states with a great many skills, hobbies, and professional experiences.  The Public Affairs Office manages our Speaker's Bureau outreach and can help you set up a speaker for your program.  

To request a speaker, Click here to e-mail us.

We have a program for every week of your program year!

Adopt-A-School Program

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Vicksburg District has signed adoption certificates for its three adopted schools under the “Adopt a School” (AAS) program. The District’s Commander and AAS committee, met with the principals, faculty and staff of Vicksburg High, Warren Central Intermediate, and Sherman Avenue Elementary schools for this annual meeting.

The AAS’s annual plan for each school is executed through volunteerism from team members of the District’s AAS committee and other Corps team members. Each plan outlines specific goals to be achieved through the partnership during the school year.

The AAS Program fosters a better understanding of the community's school system, strengthens and improves school programs and curricula, and creates a sense of personal involvement and interaction between organizations and schools.

Our Community Champions

The Corps At Work ...  At Home

The Vicksburg District is recognized as a leader in community support and workplace volunteerism. In the past, national award-winning programs such as Project Huck Finn, Project Bo Bear, and currently the Mississippi River Course combined with our Community Champions program encourages our employees to make a difference in the place where they live and work, and in their own lives and careers as well.